Monday, August 25, 2008

Divorce as Indicated in Solar Return Charts - book by Connie Cummings, AFA

I'll try to list some Books and studies as I find them about what Astrologers have said about Divorce. I'm not aware of much that's available as I write this.

This week-end I found an interesting book called Solar Returns written by Connie Cummings, AFA. The title isn't very descriptive of the text. Ms. Cummings researched what Solar Return charts look like of people who are going to get married within that year. She also looked at Solar Return charts of people who will separate and get divorced. She provides great information that goes beyond the typical "Oh Uranus is hitting your 7th House ruler, that means Divorce." Uranus isn't even mentioned. (The book was written in 1981).

The book is out-of-print but someone has written a really good review on here:

I agree that this book needs to be republished.

Cummings finds that both marriage and divorce charts look pretty similar. The same planets and houses rule relationships no matter what happens in the relationships.

First off she finds that Fixed Signs rarely (but sometimes) come up as a Rising Sign in Solar Returns. That makes sense because Cardinal and Mutable Signs will indicate change and Fixed signs won't.

Cummings also finds that planets are often on Critical Degrees.

Critical Degrees are: 0 or 29 of any sign; 4 or 17 of mutable signs; 9 or 21 of fixed signs; 13 or 26 of cardinal signs.

I've never paid much discussion to Critical Degrees but they certainly sound like a roll on the Roulette Wheel and that certainly describes Relationships to me. On a personal level, I find this interesting. I have Sun at 26 Cancer and was the center of my parents' divorce, not intentionally, of course. My Father walked off with my best friend's mother so I was heavily involved in the hostilities that followed. It would be interesting to see my ex-best friend's chart. She was a Double Libra. Her Sun was 10 Libra and I don't know where her Moon was.

From p. 71 of Cummings' book.

"In the solar return preceding a separation there are always strong aspects involving planets in the ascendant, 4th, 5th, or 7th house, their rulers, the Moon, Venus, or planets in Cancer or Libra."


"The 5th house is usually tied into the marriage solar return; it represents the love affair that matures into marriage or cohabitation. Sometimes it indicates a forced marriage. By contrast, it is tied into the divorce solar return because it represents the children, if there are any."


"We find a surprising number of planets in or ruling the 1st, 4th, 5th, or 7th, located on critical degrees or posited in signs of detriment, fall, exaltation, or home. Planets in late degrees (greater than 25 degrees of any sign) also are in abundance."


"The one distinguishing factor is that a much greater percentage of separation charts show a late degree on the ascendant."

There's a whole list of what to look for. I don't know how copyright law works for out of print publications. It looks like Libra Rising, Venus afflicted or afflicted 1st house planets are killers.

And, O my God, this is unreal. I'm going to add it because it ties in with my situation.

from page 73:

"Ruler of 1st, 4th, 7th, or planets in these houses conjunct Vindemiatrix (10 Libra), Caput Algol (25 Taurus), or Pleiades (29 Taurus). Allow 1 1/2 degree orb."

I just said my ex-step-sister's natal Sun is 10 Libra. My ex-step-mother's Sun was at 29 Taurus. My Lilith is at 25 Taurus filling out the empty leg of a t-square in my natal chart! Connie Cummings, you are one brilliant Astrologer!!!! Hmmm, I wonder if she used my family's charts. The timing of the publication (1981) would be about right. Wouldn't that be a gas?

Continuing on with more about the relationships with the Fixed Stars from p. 73:

"Moon or Venus conjunct Vindemiatrix, Caput Algol, or Pleiades."

"Ruler of 1st, 4th, 7th,or any palnets (sic) in these houses at 27, 28, or 29 degrees of any sign. Late degrees seem to indicate "finishing up." Also true when Moon or Venus placed on late degree."

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